The weekend in Instagrams

Okay, so not ALL the pics are Instagrams...  Just saying.

For those new and who haven't read my archive (SHAME ON YOU) we are in the process of downgrading to a smaller apartment.  ie: moving.  Consequently, the AKH has no K to be an H in right now.  Today is pack up the kitchen day.  I'm a little freaked out about it, but I KNOW I will survive this.  Then once there is a K to H in, we will be preparing to head out for a camping trip in Rickett's Glen in PA.  So, we're packing to move and then once we move have to pack for camping.  Essentially we're packing to pack.  *snort*

The spare room looked like this earlier in the week.  It looks like this now:

That's where most of the boxes are.  See all my baking stuff in that front plastic bin?  LOL  That's just one of TWO plastic bins of baking stuff and spices.  We packed 7 boxes of kitchen items?  Maybe 8?  There's at least one or two more left to pack.  Yes, a true kitchen hoor.  The only other box total that even remotely comes CLOSE is the camping gear at 4 boxes.  And that's only because some of the camping gear is big.

We've tossed junk, made two trips to Salvation Army for donations downsizing closets and dresser drawers, and getting rid of the other bike we had.  Yeah, I'm one of those that NEVER learned to ride a bike.  Ain't gonna happen now, either.

We're not REALLY packing the clothes from the bedroom.  We're essentially moving from one building to another.  This idea may be scrapped come Wednesday, but we'll see how it goes.

I think Missy has been affected the most of anyone in the house:

Daddy's coming back, right?
Do not pack this ball.  I will sleep with it so you can't.
Whoa is me, they've packed all the FOOD!  *sigh*
I'm sure her little mind is going to be blown after we move and then drop her off at Dad's for some grandpa pampering while we're camping.  But I'm sure she's gonna think we're abandoning her...again.  Granted, she LOVES being around people and with Dad being retired and all, he's home ALL the time, now.  And they LOVE her to death.  They will spoil her, I'm sure.  LOL

I have to say, though.  I'm a big wigged about the camping trip.  It's a 7.2 mile strenuous loop.  I've only done moderate.  Strenuous may kick my you know what.  I'll just have to remember to pace myself and hopefully we won't run out of daylight.  Should be interesting.  There's going to be around 40 or so people in the group?  I just don't want to feel pressure cause I have to stop frequently if my feet are a pain and will take longer than most to finish the loop.  I really do wish I was in better shape, physically.  Knees, feet, back, hip, now an ankle.  It's a B to get old.

I have one Foodie PenPals post to do for tomorrow.  I work tomorrow and then we're off until the following Monday.  So, pardon the absence while we downgrade our living quarters.  I will try to get at least one possible two posts in on our progress.  Who knows.  We may get the kitchen up and running faster than anticipated and I will be the KH again soon.
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