Homeward Bound...I wish I was....Homeward bound!

I'm sittin' in the railway station airport gate
Got a ticket for my destination 
On a tour of one night stands restaurant dishes
My suitcase and guitar laptop case in hand 
And every stop is neatly planned full of crowds
For a poet analyst and a one man band with one spreadsheet
Homeward bound 
I wish I was 
Homeward bound 
Home, where my thought's escaping 
Home, where my music's playing 
Home, where my love lies waiting 
Silently for me 
Last night I set my alarm on my phone for 3:15.  Yes, I'm an extremist.  The driver was picking us up at 4:30.  Yes, that's over an hour BUT I knew it would take a few minutes to check out due to the change in exchange rate.  SO I planned on being downstairs to check out at 4.  So, that's 45 minutes to finish packing, get dressed, what have you.  Maybe have a cup of coffee before hitting the road.


That WAS the plan.  Small detail I failed to pay attention to was the fact that it's Saturday.  My alarm was only set to go off on Weekdays.  It was an "Oh shit what time is it?" moment at 3:50.  I hate that, BUT I was wide awake!  LOL

I checked out and waited for E to come downstairs.  They brought me a cup.  nomnomnom  And we were waiting for another person who traveled for our program.  Really?  Had no idea someone else was here!  He works for the company that created the software for the victim's assistance centers.  Cool!

It was a quick drive to the airport.  I mean...no one in their RIGHT MIND would be up this early in the morning on a Saturday.  This was a full flight, apparently.  There were quite a few people checking in already.  Who knew?

There's an airport tax you have to pay.  I'm not sure if this is the case for other countries, and maybe ours is built into the ticket, but in Bogota, you have to stand in line and either pay it or get a waiver.  We are exempt.  Thankfully, the driver takes care of all that for us.  We check in, get boarding passes, head through emigration and then to the gate.  Or at least TRY to get to the gate.  We stop at an airport trinkets and gifts store.  I did wander through there for a little while, as we had.... AN HOUR + to kill!

E was looking for something and stopped at another store and found some bowls.  They were nice.  I walked off as the card was being run.  I turned and she was still there.  Chatting.  I walk further and turn.  Still there.  It's been like 10 minutes.  Really?  Have I told you I hate people?  I'm not one to stand there and make small talk with someone selling me something unless I'm asking about something they're selling.  I'm hungry.  I'm pissy.  I'm tired.  I want to go home NOW!  I just keep walking.

We stopped at Juan Valdez for coffee and a snack.  I'm STARVING!  I order another arepita like I did before....with cheese like I did before.  *drool*

The design in the coffee was like that.  I didn't do that.  It was a nice latte, which is just coffee with steamed milk at Juan Valdez.  You can't just get coffee with milk there.  It's a latte or Cafe Americano.  No...that's not the same thing.

I devour this and we walk to where we THOUGHT the gate was.  They changed it.  YAY!  *sigh*

I don't think we could board fast enough.  Thankfully, I get priority access when traveling with the gubment and can board early.  I would kill people Saturday if I couldn't.

I was tired, but KNEW I wouldn't be able to sleep.  Not really sure why, but just knew I couldn't.  Not to mention I was STILL hungry.  When is breakfast?  *knit knit knit*  Breakfast now?  No?  *knit knit knit*  Now?  YAY!

Okay maybe not so yay.  Sausage.  Meh.  Potatoes I was totally into.  The eggs were soft scrambled.  Ew.  I didn't eat the croissant but did nibble the guava paste filled sweet bun and the oranges from the "fruit" salad.

I knitted.  Quite a bit actually.  I may have dozed a minute, but not much.  I watched the movie.  I almost fell out of my seat when they announced what it was, as they pronounced it wrong.  I think I was the only one that noticed...  I wanted to see it, too, and thought it might be something S didn't really want to see, so I figured it was okay to watch.  This COULD bite me in the butt later, but I doubt it.  I'll just take it off Netflix list.  LOL

I watched the movie, some of the TV shows, and knit.  There was some weather that prevented us from landing on time.  I wasn't TOO worried, but I was hoping the lines through emigration and customs wouldn't be as long as last time.  It would REALLY suck if they were.  There's only 2 hours due to the time difference.

I IMMEDIATELY head to emigrations and ask if I can get in the Diplomat line.  Yes?  YAY!!  that line is just about 30 minutes long, not a few hours like the other two.  *whew*  That means there's times to get food!  I'm SO hungry for some reason.

That's a turkey and Swiss on a baguette that's toasted.  There were Doritos.  They were FABULOUS!  Who knew I would crave them like I did.  I almost licked the bag.  I also realized I was craving pizza, too.  I can only hope that S didn't have pizza for dinner Friday night.

Now, this leg of the flight I DID sleep on.  Or at least tried to.  GOOD LORD the woman next to me was a basket case.  We took off about an hour late due to the same storms that kept us from landing on time.  Not much you can do.  Apparently, she was going to flip her chit if we didn't take off soon.  Um...I don't care HOW FAST your foot taps the floor, we're not taking off until the weather has passed.  Seriously...CHILL!

I slept.  Thankfully.  I needed it.  I was EXHAUSTED!  Not just from the little sleep I got last night, but from the whole week.
I did knit...some.  I BOLT as soon as we get off the plane.  I want to get me bags and go home SO BAD!  I want to hug S and feel his arms around me.  I am SO glad to be home.

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