Foodie Pen Pals REVEAL! YAY!

YAY!!!  I get to participate in this reveal day!  WOOT WOOT!

What reveal day you ask?  Well the Foodie Penpals reveal day!  DUH!  What's Foodie Pen Pals you ask?  Well, it just the COOLEST PEN PAL PROGRAM ON THE BLOGOSPHERE!  At least I think it is.

Lindsey from the Lean Green Bean has a Foodie Pen Pals program.  You mean you don't know about it??  SHAME ON YOU!  Just kidding...or am I??

The Lean Green Bean

Once a month, you sigh up here for the Foodie Pen Pals program.  You have to sign up by the 4th of the month to get on the list sent out on the 5th of the month.  Then on the 15th of the month, you send a box full of tasty vittles to your pen pal.  If you're lucky, you make a friend.  If not, you at least get a box of goodies to eat.  BUT the point of the program is to MAKE FRIENDS!!  Just saying.

This month, I was paired with Jessica from Crash Bang Kitchen.  Her blog is a WIP or Work In Progress.  She has the same hopes of being self-hosted like I do, but the blog just isn't making the cash for that yet.

We chatted several times and I CAN'T WAIT to keep in touch!  She's admittedly does not have a broad range of spices, so I sent her some ingredients to expand her horizons.  I have a crapton of spices and I'm finding out and trying new ones all the time!  But, enough about that.  She sent me a box of some YUMMY eats!!

I've already eaten the Marich chocolate covered espresso beans.  They are crack.  Seriously.  I've had chocolate covered espresso beans before.  These were DIVINE!  The chocolate was sooooooooo tasty.  Mmmmm

The apple chips?  Missy TRIED to claim them as you can see, but I took them to work so I could nibble on them all by myself without sharing!!  *snort*

Actually, Missy thinks everything was hers.  Any food in the house is hers, DUH! 

Now, I had already planned the menu BEFORE this box arrived.  It's like we were connected or something because I planned salsa beef tacos for dinner Thursday.  Yup.  She's sniffing a jar of salsa.  HOT salsa!  I used some in my salsa beef recipe last night for dinner.  OH MY WORD was it delicious!!  I haven't cracked open the bag of bean tortilla chips.  I'm thinking nachos this weekend with the left over beef, some black beans, yappies (jalapenos) and of course CHEESE!! 

It was nice to have someone send me a box of nibbles that I will enjoy eating.  I just hope she enjoys everything I sent her.  Some yummies and some stuff to expand her horizons with .  Now remember, Jessica, you said you'd try EVERYTHING I sent you!!  Ima hold you to that!  *wink*

I LOVED this delicious box of nibbles from Jessica.  I hope she enjoyed the box I sent her.   I can't wait to see who I meet next month in FPP.  You really should join us!  It's so much fun and you get to learn about new products that you might not have tried on your own, or gotten to try as they might be regional faves for that person. 

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