OMG what muscle is THAT and how did I strain it??

As S said, "The only way we're living on the 3rd floor is if there's an elevator."  WOW.  I have muscles that hurt that I didn't know I had.  I have NO idea how in the world I've strained them, but I did.  The worst of the pain are the knees and the back.  I have a craptastic back that includes scoliosis and degenerated discs.  In fact, we both have degenerated discs.  GREAT.  *sigh*

Hence paying for movers.  Cause hauling all those boxes of Stephen King books down those stairs IS NOT on my list of things to do.  All that kitchen ware?  Boxes of clothes?  Chest freezer?  No.  No.  And.  No. We would have had to start moving two weeks ago.  No.  It's bad enough that we've made probably 10 trips schleping stuff on our own.  Today it was two full truck loads to get the catch all and fridge contents.

This is the old K that I H'd in.  That thing on the left in the front?  OH that's my baking stone from KAF that S got me... WOW almost 5 years ago?  It's been every oven of every apartment we've rented.  It will continue to be in every oven of every place we live.  Not just for pizza,  but for breads and just overall evening out of the oven temperature, for the most part.

AND the cleaning.  Today.  Note to self: DO NOT wear pants with a mesh liner if you're going to clean.  Me knees are bright red and swollen from the irritation of the mesh on my knees.  I'm horrid when I'm on them anyway.  I CAN NOT sit back on my knees like 99% of the population.  I don't think I ever could.  Ever.  This makes cleaning a real the knees AND the back.

This is what we moved into:

 I LOVE the look of the all black appliances and the granite look counter tops.  We had all black in another apartment, too.  I like the wood style laminate flooring, too.  It's pretty.

Requirement is a dish washer.  Check.  The amount of cooking and baking...we've gone the no dish washer route.  Never.  Again.  Ever.

Even the bathrooms are pretty.  Matching counter top and flooring.  Newly glazed tiles.  Brushed nickel fixtures and lights.

Walk in closets in BOTH bedrooms.  We'll be using this one for sure.  We're going to try to get the boxes that we're not planning on unpacking in here.  The Christmas decorations are already in here now.  Along with some other craft type stuff for me.  Yes, I do other things besides cook and eat.  LOL

The only thing I can think of for this is a bar?  It's more like, "Crap.  There's not enough cabinet space so we need to put another one somewhere...  let's put it off the fire place!  Yeah!  That sounds good!"  The microwave will go here.  We aren't really planning on using the fireplace, but you never know.  We've set up the TV stand so we could use it if we wanted.

No, that's not the REAL TV we have.  That's the test TV for when the cable dude came so we could make sure the cable worked.  We usually come prepared for situations like that.  Had a laptop and modem ready to go for the internet, too.

And just for good measure and to hopefully put a smile on Mom's face *waving at Mom* here's the infamous H's KitchenAid stand mixer.  This is about 12 years old?  Almost 12 years old?  And it's still kicking!  It was a graduation gift from step-dad, A, and Mom.  It couldn't come fast enough, too.  I had killed a hand mixer on a batch of German butter cookies.  *snort*

I schlep it EVERYWHERE!  Even schlepped it to C-land when I was traveling back and forth to visit S when he still lived there.  It is essential to my kitchen and I COULD NOT imagine not having it to make batter, whip eggs, knead bread, shred chicken.  ESSENTIAL!

So, that's where this H has been for the last few days.  And tomorrow we're heading to Rickett's Glen in PA for some car camping and hiking to see an insagn amount of beautiful waterfalls.  21 in total on the 7.2 loop we're planning on doing Saturday.  At some point, I'll be posting about that trip on our hiking blog.  There's another trip I need to blog about, but need my pics to do it.  It was a weird trail to follow.

Anyway, now we sit watching the Caps play the Rangers.  #CAPS #LetsGoCaps  Missy is curled up on her bed.  She's not adjusting well.  And really won't adjust well when we drop her off at Grandad's.  Poor girl.  She'll be UBER happy to see us Sunday, I bet.  At least she only has to go up one flight with her bad hip instead of three. I'm just rambling because I'm tired.  Night y'all!  Hopefully I'll he H'ing it up Sunday or Monday and will have fresh new posts come Tuesday!  Have a great weekend y'all!

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